
Insight One2One – En samtale med Pingala

Kent Højlund
Systemer og leverandører
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Kent Højlund
Systemer og leverandører

Pingala repræsenterer et af de hurtigst voksende danske FO-huse – hædret som Børsen Gazelle-vinder i de sidste otte år. Med en historie, som spænder over 15 år, har virksomheden en stærk tilstedeværelse med i omegnen af 130 konsulenter fordelt på flere lokationer i Danmark samt filialer i Dubai og Oslo. Lyt til denne Insight One2One, hvor vi blandt andet udforsker Pingalas historie, unikke kultur, ydelser, kunder, metoder og meget mere.

Kent Højlund
At Pingala we have created many of the opportunities and bases for development that motivate me the most. Highly qualified colleagues provide great prerequisites for developing themselves, each other and organization, to the mutual gratitude of both employees and customers. This makes it easier to have super satisfied customers and to keep them that way, which, again, is Pingala’s prerequisite developing our organization and organizing, along with ongoing growth of our market position. Finding new directions to go in is crucial, including for my own motivation. In complicated implementations of Dynamics 365 (AX, CRM, BI), I have the good fortune of having highly experienced, skilled colleagues who make my management work very easy. That simply cannot be overvalued. I have the energy to develop new organizational forms and further expand the company culture, DNA and values so we will have the basis for attracting the next round of the most talented people in the Dynamics 365 market. Having a strong culture that can attract the best and most experienced people leaves me with loads of time for market and customer-oriented activities that are essential for my own well-being and that of the firm. Being at the forefront of an organization that has accomplished what we have and then being awarded the Børsen Gazelle Prize five times in a row makes me both proud and humble.

Pingala repræsenterer et af de hurtigst voksende danske FO-huse – hædret som Børsen Gazelle-vinder i de sidste otte år. Med en historie, som spænder over 15 år, har virksomheden en stærk tilstedeværelse med i omegnen af 130 konsulenter fordelt på flere lokationer i Danmark samt filialer i Dubai og Oslo.

Virksomheden tilbyder en bred vifte af services inden for FO, som strækker sig fra indledende procesrådgivning til implementering af ERP, CRM, BI, optimering og support. Gennem en forankret kultur bistår Pingala mellemstore og store virksomheder inden for forskellige brancher, herunder logistik, produktion og energisektoren.

Lyt til denne Insight One2One, hvor vi blandt andet udforsker Pingalas historie, unikke kultur, ydelser, kunder, metoder og meget mere.

Hvad er Insight One2One?

Insight One2One er et oplysende samtaleformat, som giver dig en dybdegående indsigt i branchens partnere og leverandører. Den erfarne ERP-ekspert, Herbert Nathan, fungerer som vært og guider dig gennem samtalerne.

Med Insight One2One får du en enestående mulighed for at udforske og forstå alle de væsentlige aspekter af partnernes og leverandørernes virksomheder. Dette danner et solidt grundlag for at træffe velinformerede beslutninger om valg af systemer og partnere.

Ved at deltage i Insight One2One får du blandt andet:

§  Indblik i partnerens/leverandørens organisation – herunder historie, DNA og kultur

§  Kendskab til partnerens/leverandørens produkter/løsninger/ydelser

§  Forståelse for partnerens/leverandørens tilgang til implementering af deres løsninger og deres partnerskaber

§  Læring om, hvordan partneren/leverandøren samarbejder med deres kunder for at levere tilpassede løsninger

§  Et kig ind i partnerens/leverandørens vision for fremtiden

Lær mere om Pingala ved at følge linket her.

Kent Højlund
At Pingala we have created many of the opportunities and bases for development that motivate me the most. Highly qualified colleagues provide great prerequisites for developing themselves, each other and organization, to the mutual gratitude of both employees and customers. This makes it easier to have super satisfied customers and to keep them that way, which, again, is Pingala’s prerequisite developing our organization and organizing, along with ongoing growth of our market position. Finding new directions to go in is crucial, including for my own motivation. In complicated implementations of Dynamics 365 (AX, CRM, BI), I have the good fortune of having highly experienced, skilled colleagues who make my management work very easy. That simply cannot be overvalued. I have the energy to develop new organizational forms and further expand the company culture, DNA and values so we will have the basis for attracting the next round of the most talented people in the Dynamics 365 market. Having a strong culture that can attract the best and most experienced people leaves me with loads of time for market and customer-oriented activities that are essential for my own well-being and that of the firm. Being at the forefront of an organization that has accomplished what we have and then being awarded the Børsen Gazelle Prize five times in a row makes me both proud and humble.
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